Who We Are

Fishing has always been a passion of those in the South. Richard Fluker understood this and was on a mission to supply crickets to local bait shops in order to help those, who take part in this sport, catch fish. In 1956, he successfully founded Fluker's Cricket Farm, Inc. in charming southern Louisiana. Today, Fluker Farms has expanded to become the nation's leader in live cricket production, accomplishing the original mission and so much more. 

Fluker Farms has been breeding feeder insects for over 50 years, and also breeding reptiles for over a decade. We have used our breeding experience to give us the insight to produce quality, cutting-edge products for the beginner and the most advanced reptile enthusiasts. Doing so has expanded the original plan of selling live insects for fishing bait to selling feeder insects and supplies for pets. This proves that Fluker Farms is a strong and determined company that will continue to grow.

In the late 1980's, David Fluker, taking on the family business, realized a demand by his customers to offer additional live insects, mealworms, hissing cockroaches, superworms and more for feeder and baiting needs. The project started modestly in a 500-square foot building where many hours were spent striving to produce the healthiest and hardiest mealworm on the market. Although it has taken hard work and effort, we have come a long way by expanding that small building into a farm and perfecting the breeding of live insects. That perseverance our workers have is a quality that we will always have in order to grow.

After perfecting the live insect trade, Fluker Farms began selling reptile diets, lamps, and pretty much anything any reptile hobbyist would need. Fluker Farms has grown into an admirable business where major stores across the country now sell our products, and we are extremely proud to watch it continue to grow in coming years.